The severe flooding in Manipur that caused chaos throughout the state left Manipuris residing abroad terribly concerned. The cries of help that echoed far from Manipur reached the ears of many who are residing outside India. Upon learning the news, the North American Manipur Association (NAMA) executive members communicated and decided to raise funds through an outreach program utilizing social media to help the flood victims. With contributors across the world, NAMA successfully raised $2300 (Rs. 1, 46 lakhs). This fund has been donated to Flood Relief Manipur on Tuesday, August 11th, 2015. Lily Sharma, the Treasurer of NAMA, contacted and ascertained the details of the relief team.
Lukhoi Shougaijam, the President of NAMA said, “Though we are many oceans apart, NAMA members felt the sorrows and sufferings of the people in Manipur… We are so grateful to NAMA members for their generous contributions to the relief fund.”
Fourteen states in the U.S. and people from India and South Korea have contributed through NAMA. The states in the U.S. that have contributed in the fundraising are: Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
Shilpa Phairembam Weiss, the General Secretary of NAMA commented, “The most notable act about this fundraising drive is how different people across the world joined hands together to support the cause. It is truly teamwork that made this possible. We appreciate everyone who felt the pain and supported this cause.”
Special thanks goes to Nancy Yambem, JitenNongmaithem (South Korea), RonieThoudam (New Delhi, India), Lori Weiss and W D Wilkens who have contributed through NAMA. Below are the names of the people who have made generous donation for this cause:
Nancy Yambem, Amom Ruhikant Meetei, Pukhrambam Lalit Singh, Tekendrajit Singh Maisnam, Gandhi Basnet, KulabidhuChanam, Johnson Elangbam, Sally Longjam, ArunKhanal, Premjeet Sougrakpam, Brian Weiss, Shilpa Phairembam Weiss, LukhoiS hougaijam, Thoihen Heisnam and Linthoi Angom, Nishikanta Asem, Surjit Konjengbam, Dhaneshwori Kshetrimayum, Basanath Moirangthem, Sonia Singgam, W D Wilkens, Ronie Thoudam, Jiten Nongmaithem, Longjam Somesh Singh, Roshan Ngangom, Dhrubaraj Aheibam& Lily Sharma, Chiragkumar and Tampha Patel, Monica Laishram, Rosanta Nahakpam, Paramananda Chabungbam, Rajeshwar Laishram, Renu Laishram, Abhishek and Geetanjali Sanoujam, Lori Weiss, Surjalal Sharma and A Dilly Devi, Sunita Yanglem, Priya Koijam, Hori Singha, Sagar Sharma, Sarita Moirangthem, Dritha Kumar, Bijon Singh
Devakishor Soraisam, the volunteer member for the Flood Relief Manipur confirmed receipt of the amount on August 11th, 2015. Devakishor further reported, “We shall share every details of the expenses so as to maintain the transparency we vouched for.NAMA has almost always been there when people from back home reached out for help. On behalf of the flood victims, we thank the entire team of NAMA.”
The NAMA executive team is extremely grateful to all the contributors for their generous donations to the relief fund. Without their support, it wouldn’t be possible to raise such a large amount. The executive team hopes to receive continued support from the members for needy causes for Manipuris at home.
Through team work NAMA hopes to be able to do more in the future.For any queries, you can reach NAMA via FaceBook (North American Manipur Association – NAMA) or email at namagroups@gmail.com.
To learn more about North American Manipur Association, please visit the website http://www.namaonline.org/.